Thursday, October 13, 2011

Prayer always works

So I know yesterday I went on a huge complaining spree about not playing my sport that I love. But like I said last night I would not lose faith in Christ and He has blessed me with an opportunity to play this Saturday. All I know is I need to take every advantage of this one opportunity that I can get. This is my one chance to make my career and show everyone who doesn't believe in me that I can be a play maker. The one question that burns inside of me is this..... What will your legacy be?! Make it happen... (this weekend) thanks to Case McCoy for tweeting this on October 6th. I will take this chance not to screw up. Today was just a simple reminder that Christ does listen to your prayers and although He might not answer them right away, sooner or later He gives you and opportunity. That one opportunity that we pray for. Here by Christ, Blessed by Christ, and Loved by Christ. God Bless.

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Questioning myself

So I'm sitting here on the computer and I'm thinking. I love the sport of football but as my season keeps slipping away from me I start to wonder whats next. I love Christ and I know He has a better plan for me no matter what. But lets be honest, my dreams that I have worked so hard for not being able to reach them has given me a lot of doubt. To me it's not an option to give up, but I start to slowly fall into the grasp of doubtfulness and surrendering. I once saw myself being a big impact on a great college football team and winning a few National Championships and then getting drafted into the NFL. But with the limited amount of playing time I receive it's hard to show coaches the talent and heart I have. How do I play when my coach tells me "he knows what he can get out of me" and that "he knows the heart and talent I have", yet he still decides to bench me. It doesn't help that I have had two concussions, and nerve damage to my shoulder. All because I'm busting my ass out there on the practice field. Now in all actuality I'm not the type of person to complain, but when a sophomore and junior start over a senior with more talent and heart...... That's where I reserve the right to be upset. If my coach knows the talent and heart that I can bring him, why must I bust my ass in practice to show him? To me it's simple how bout you give the senior his chance and if he screws up too much then take him out, but for my sake don't bench my ass. That's just wasting talent! Now I'm not sure if this is Christ trying to teach me something, because I know how to work hard and to never quit but with three or four games left in my season...... I'm not gonna just sit the bench, however I have been blessed to be given the opportunity to play at Texas Lutheran University and Mary-Hardin Baylor University. So is this Christ trying to protect me from this looming black cloud that has plagued me with injuries this year? Maybe it is, all I know is I had to get this off my chest and I feel a lot better about this. I know to never question Christ for He has bigger and greater things for me. Jeremiah 29:11" For I know the plans I have for you," declares the LORD, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future." May everyone who reads this be blessed tonight and pray for another day to wake up to make more mistakes to learn from.
Here by Christ, blessed by Christ, and loved by Christ.

Monday, August 29, 2011


Working hard to get back in the swing of things can be quite difficult. I haven't played football in two weeks due to a concussion. I have been doing my rehab, but the two weeks where I wasn't allowed to do anything took a lot away from me. My coaches always say it's hard to gain something you work hard for (meaning when you workout it's hard to gain more skill in weight lifting or getting into shape) but easy to lose it. The meaning never struck me until now. I have always been the one to work hard and get the team motivated, now I'm using my teammates to motivate me. But with Christ everything is possible so my dreams are big for one reason, because I know I can reach them through Christ.